
DANG Anrong
Tel: 86-10-62795493
Fax: 86-10-62783328
E-mail: [email protected]


Integration  and Application of VR, RS and GIS for Urban-Rural Planning

Theory,  Technology, and Method of Digital Urban Planning

Landscape  Planning and Design based on Geo-Science

Technical  Solutions of Digital National Park Planning



Ph.D of GIS  and RS at Institute of RS Application, CAS, Beijing, P.R. China, 1997

Master of  Cartography and RS, North West University, Xi’an, P.R.China, 1988

Bachelor of  Geography, Department of Geography, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’an,  P.R.China, 1985


2006.12-Now:  Professor of Urban Planning and Design, School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China

2004.04-2006.11: Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Design,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

2004.01-2004.03: Visiting Scholar for GIS and RS application in  Landscape Architecture, School of Design, University of Pennsylvania

2003.01-2003.12: Visiting Scholar for Virtual Reality and GIS  Application, Virtual Reality Application Center, IOWA State University

2000.10-2002.12: Associate Professor of Urban Planning and Design,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

1999.08-2000.09: Assistant Professor of Urban Planning and Design,  School of Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

1997.10-1999.07: Postdoctor of Urban Planning and Design, School of  Architecture, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China



1.     Study on Decision Support  Technology of Urban-Rural Spatial Development for Greater Beijing, The Energy Foundation-Beijing Office, 2009-2010

2.     Integrated Technology  Study for Urban Planning and Designing supported by 3S and 4D, National  Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs Funded by  Ministry of Science & Technology of China, 2006-2010

3.     Study on the Integrated  Application Mode of Spatial Information Technology for Digital Urban  Planning, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2007-2009

4.     Study on Beijing Spatial  Diffusion Mechanism and Regulation Supported by Information Technology,  Beijing Natural Science Foundation, 2006-2007

5.     Chinese Village  Traditions, EarthWatch Institute Project, 2005-2008

6.     The Key Technology for  Development of Digital Yangzhou, Chinese National 863 Project, 2003-2004

7.     Techniques & Standards on  National Spatial Information Processing Platform, Chinese National 863  Project, 2002-2003

8.     Utilizing  Three-Dimensional Data in a Virtual Urban Environment to Support and  Evaluate Planning Decisions, United States National Science Foundation  Project, 2002-2003

9.     Research and Development  of Beijing Ecological Environment Information System, Beijing Science  and Technology Committee Project, 2000-2002

10.  Study on Spatial  Development Strategy in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, Ministry of  Construction Project, 2000-2002




Introduction  of Spatial Information Technology (30 students in autumn)


Theory and  Application of Remote Sensing (30 students in autumn)

Spatial  Analysis and Application of GIS (30 students in autumn)

Foundation of  Landscape Geo-Science (30 students in spring)



1.    Beijing Science and  Technology Award, 2004.03

2.    Best Application Software  Award by Administration of Water, 2004.12

3.    Best Software Application  Award by ESRI-China, 2004.10

4.    Best Laboratory  Contribution Award by Tsinghua University, 2005.01

5.    Technology Application for  Urban Planning Award, 2005.11

6.    Laboratory Achievement  Award by Tsinghua University, 2006.05

7.    Teaching Achievement Award  by Tsinghua University, 2006.08

8.    Best ArcGIS Teaching  Advancement Award by ESRI-China, 2006.11

9.    EarthWatch Institute PI  Award of year 2007, 2007.03

10.  Outstanding Teacher Awards  by Tsinghua University, 2007.12

11.  Best Student Tutor Awards  by Tsinghua University, 2008.03

12.  Excellent GIS Textbook  Awards by Tsinghua University, 2008.06

13.  Excellent RS Textbook  Awards by Tsinghua University, 2008.06

14.  Best Tutor for Practice  Awards by Tsinghua University, 2008.11

15.  Ten University Outstanding  GIS Innovative Teacher Awards, 2008.11

16.  Best Achievements of  Town-Village Planning and Design Awards, 2008.12




1.  The 4th International  symposium on Digital Earth, March 28- 31, 2005. Tokyo, Japan

2.   The Annual forum of  Chinese Urban GIS 08. Nov. 28-29, 2008. Hong Kong, China

3.   The 14th International  Conference on Geoinformatics, Oct. 28-29, 2006. Wuhan, China

4.   International Society for  Digital Earth (ISDE), August 27-30, 2006. Auckland, New Zealand

5.   The 15th International  Conference on Geoinformatics, May 26-28, 2007. Nanjing, China

6.  The Annual forum of  Chinese Urban GIS 07. Aug. 21-23, 2008. Shanghai, China

7.  The 16th International  Conference on Geoinformatics, June 28-29, 2008. Guangzhou, China

8.  The 13th Inter-University  Seminar on Asian Mega-Cities, March 14-16, 2008. Quezon City,  Philippines

9.  The Annual forum of  Chinese Urban GIS 08. Sept. 22-24, 2008. Tianjing, China

10.  The 14th Inter-University  Seminar on Asian Mega-Cities, March 12-14, 2009. Taipei, China

Social organization

Council  Member, Chinese Remote Sensing Association for Environment

BOD & Regional  Manager, The Association of Chinese Professionals in Geographic  Information Science Abroad (CPGIS)

Council  Member, Chinese Association of Geographical Information Systems



Journal papers

1.   DANG Anrong, YANG Rui, LIU  Xiaodong. Study on the General Framework of Digital National Park.  Journal of Chinese Landscape Architecture, 2005(05): 31-34 (In Chinese)

2.   DANG Anrong, WANG Yan.  Example of Public Participant for Urban Planning in Philadelphia,  Beijing City Planning and Construction Review, 2005(6): 53-58 (In  Chinese)

3.   WU Lei, DANG Anrong.  Technical Method of Public Participant for Urban Planning, Beijing City  Planning and Construction Review, 2005(6): 20-22 (In Chinese)

4.   ZHAO Dongquan, DANG Anrong,  CHEN Jining. A Study of Application of Supervised Classification to  Thematic Information Extraction in Image Data. Bulletin of Surveying and  Mapping, 2006(11): 32-34 (In Chinese)

5.   DANG Anrong, MAO Qizhi,  SHI Huizhen. Research Background and Contents Analysis of Spatial  Information Technology Integration for Digital Urban Planning. Shanghai  Urban Planning Review, 2007(05): 49-53 (In Chinese)

6.   DANG Anrong, LIU Zhao, JIA  Haifeng. Research and Practice on GIS Higher Education for Application  Orientation. Geomatics World,  2007(02): 9-14 (In Chinese)

7.    ZOU Yubo, DANG Anrong.  Modern Landscape Design Based on Apperception with the Nature. World  Architecture, 2007(08): 96-99 (In Chinese)

8.   YANG Rui; ZHUANG You-bo;  DANG An-rong; Process and Techniques in Developing General Management  Plan for Meili Snow Mountains National Park of China. Chinese Landscape  Architecture, 2007(04): 1-6 (In Chinese)

9.    DANG Anrong, MAO Qizhi, WU  Lei. Development and Management of Campus-wide GIS Laboratory for  Teaching and Research. Geomatics World, 2008(02): 28-32 (In Chinese)

10.  DANG Anrong, LANG Hongyang, FENG Jin. Variation and Conservation of Cave Dwelling  Architecture in North of Loess Plateau. World Architecture, 2008(09):  90-93 (In Chinese)

11.  LUO Jing, DANG Anrong, MAO  Qizhi. Study on SIT Integration Schema Based on SOA for Digital Urban  Planning. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2008(03): 7-10 (In  Chinese)

12.  LUO Jing, DANG Anrong, MAO  Qizhi. Study on framework of integration platform for digital urban  planning based on SOA. Computer Engineering and Applications, 2008,  44(23): 8-11 (In Chinese)

13.  SHI Hui-zhen, DANG Anrong,  CHI Wei. Study on Urban Planning and Design Aided by VR in Real-time.  Geomatics World, 2008(06): 61-66 (In Chinese)

14.  LUO Jing, DANG Anrong, MAO  Qizhi. Application study of ontology technology in urban planning  heterogeneous data integration. Computer Engineering and Applications.  2008, 44(34): 5-8 (In Chinese)

15.  HU Yang, DANG Anrong.  Thinking about the Protection of Traditional Culture in the  Rehabilitation Process in Rural Areas. Chinese and Overseas  Architecture, 2008(09): 36-40 (In Chinese)

16.  WANG Jingwen, MAO Qizhi, DANG Anrong. An  Evolution Model of Beijing-A Discussion on the Evolution of Urban  Spatial and Functional Patterns Based on Space Syntax. Urban Planning  Forum, 2008(03): 82-88 (In Chinese)

17.  ZHANG Pei, DANG Anrong, ZHANG Yuanzhi. Study  on the Method of Constructing Ecological Sensitivity Information Map for  Digital Urban Master Planning. Geomatics World, 2009(01):75-79 (In  Chinese)

18.  LUO Jing, DANG Anrong, MAO  Qizhi. Study on the Integration of Digital Urban Planning Platform Based  on Service Oriented Architecture. Beijing Planning Review,  2009(02):113-116 (In Chinese)

19.  HAN Haoying, DANG Anrong, WU Cifang, et al. Assessment of the Effectiveness of Agricultural Land  Use Control in the Urban Planning Area of Beijing City by Remote  Sensing. China Land Science, 2009(05) (In Chinese)

Selected conference proceedings

1.   DANG Anrong, HE Xindong,  SHI Huizhen, et al. Eco-Environment Study for Water Source Region of  Beijing Supported by RS and GIS. Proceedings of International Geoscience  and Remote Sensing Symposium. Seoul, Korea. July 25-29, 2005

2.   DANG Anrong, MAO Qizhi, JEN Huai-Hsiang, et al. Study on Conservation Planning for Beijing Old  City Based on RS and GIS. Proceedings of International Geoscience and  Remote Sensing Symposium, Seoul, Korea. July 25-29, 2005

3.   CHAN ChuiShiu, DANG Anrong,  TONG Ziyu. A 3D Model of the Inner City of Beijing. CAAD Future 05,  pp.63-72. Vienna, Austria, on June 20-22, 2005

4.   DANG Anrong, SHI Huizhen, HAN Haoying. Study on the System of Technical Methods for Digital  Urban Planning. Proceeding of International Society for Photogrammetry  and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Workshop on Services and Applications of  Spatial Data Infrastructure. pp.167-170. Hangzhou, China. October 14-16,  2005

5.   DANG Anrong, MAO Qizhi, HE  Xindong. Study on Sustainable Development of Urban Human Settlements  Supported by RS and GIS. Proceeding of International Forum on Urbanism.  Pp.639-642. Beijing, China. October 18-20, 2006

6.   DANG Anrong, WU Lei, SHI  Huizhen, HAN Haoying. Study on sharing digital urban planning  information based on WebGIS, Proceedings of 14th International  Conference on Geoinformatics 06. 64211V1-4. Wuhan, China. October 28-29,  2006

7.   GONG Zhaoya, DANG Anrong,  SONG Tieying. Development of Government GIS Based on ArcGIS Engine.  Proceeding of the First Asia-Pacific Conference for ESRI Users. Hong  Kong, China. January 12-13, 2006

8.   DANG Anrong, SHI Huizhen,  HE Xindong. Integration of spatial information technology for digital  urban planning. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on  Geoinformatics 07. Nanjing, China. May 26-28, 2007

9.   DANG Anrong, MAO Qizhi, LI Yongfu, et al. Study on Spatial Growth of Beijing During 1950s to  2005 Supported by Spatial Information Technology. The 13th  Inter-University Seminar on Asian Mega-Cities (IUSAM). Quezon City,  Philippines. March 14-16, 2008

10.  DANG Anrong, HE Xindong,  LI Yongfu. Study on Multi-scale Urban Planning Supported by Spatial  Information Technology. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference  of Geoinformatics 08. 7144 1P-1-9. Guangzhou, China, June 28-29, 2008

11.  LI Yongfu, DANG Anrong. A  Study on the Interaction and Evolution of the Spatial Expansion and  Administrative Division Adjustment in Beijing Metropolitan Area.  Proceedings of the 16th International Conference of Geoinformatics 08,  7144 1O-1-10. Guangzhou, China. June 28-29, 2008

12.  LUO Jing, DANG Anrong, MAO  Qizhi. The application Study of OWL Reasoning Based on Ontology for  Digital Urban Planning. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference  of Geoinformatics 08. Guangzhou, China, June 28-29, 2008

13.  LUO Jing, DANG Anrong, MAO  Qizhi. The Study of Integration of Multi-Sources Heterogeneous Data  Based on the Ontology. Proceedings of ISPRS, Vol. XXXVII. Part B2.  Beijing, China, July 2008

14.  DANG Anrong, MAO Qizhi,  LUO Jing. Analysis of Virtual Reality Application for Digital Urban  Planning. Proceedings of the annual forum of Chinese urban GIS 08.  48-61. Sept.22-24, 2008. Tianjing, China (In Chinese)

15.  SUN Huanshen, DANG Anrong,  HU Sherong. Study on Integrated Application of Spatial Information  Technology for Urban and Twon System Planning. Proceedings of China  Urban Planning Annual Conference, 4636-4642. Dalian, China. Sept. 20-22,  2008. (In Chinese)

16.  HU  Shangru, DANG Anrong, LIANG Wei. Study on  Information Technology Application for Detailed Urban Planning.  Proceedings of China GIS Association Annual Conference. Guangzhou, Chna.  Nov. 10-12, 2008 (In Chinese)

17.  LI Yongfu, DANG Anrong,  LIU Nina. Application of Spatial Statistical Analysis for Township  Village System Planning. Forum on Spatial Integrated Humanities and  Social Science. Hong Kong, China. March 16th-17th, 2009 (In Chinese)

18.  DANG Anrong, MA Qiwei, ZHAO Jing. Study on  Village Traditional Culture Conservation Based on Spatial Information  Technology. Forum of Spatial Integrated Humanities & Social Science.  Hong Kong, China. March 16th-17th, 2009 (In Chinese)

19.  DANG Anrong, FENG Jin, MA Qiwei. Conservation  of Chinese Traditional Culture Based on Information Technology. The 14th  Inter-University Seminar on Asian Mega-Cities (IUSAM), Taipei City,  Taiwan, China. March 12-15, 2009


1.    Remote Sensing Image  Processing Method of ERDAS IMAGINE. DANG Anrong, WANG Xiaodong, CHEN  Xiaofeng, ZHANG Jianbao. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2003.03

2.    Application Tour Guide for  ArcGIS8. DANG Anrong, JIA Haifeng, YI Shanzheng, LIU Zhao. Beijing:  Tsinghua University Press, 2003.03

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